“Foro ManageArt” saves more than 150 k€ to their affiliates in 2018″
Last week took place the annual meeting of laboratories of the Foro ManageArt in Barcelona. 14 Pharma laboratories shared their plan of audits to their suppliers and defined a common plan that will save the need of 70 to 90 audits.
This is the fifth year that this common plan is done, and more than 400 audits had been saved during this time. Rules are easy and simple: Each laboratory assumes the responsibility of auditing 2 suppliers each year under the detailed methodology agreement signed between laboratories that define how to proceed to accomplish all regulatory needs.
For the next 2019 laboratories planned 32 audits, which means that approximately 70 individual audits won’t take place. It’s really time and cost effectiveness for all the members of the group.
It’s a pleasure coordinating this group from ManageArt where synergies are getting higher and year after year results are growing.