The ManageArt consultants have a high level of knowledge and above all industrial experience. They have a deep knowledge of the problems that affect the industry

The ManageArt consultants have a high level of knowledge and above all industrial experience. They have a deep knowledge of the problems that affect the industry
The result responded to expectations because the delivery was made within the indicated period, exceeding expectations in terms of the breadth of the proposal and level of clarity in its implementation
The knowledge and experience of the team of ManageArt is huge in the Pharma Industry. In all projects we have done with their collaboration we have got the expected results. The relation between benefits and costs is very good
The Pharma Forum that ManageArt organizes provide the unique opportunity to share directly experiences and opinions with colleagues of other companies
Participation in the Benchmarking has allowed us to use internally indicators most relevant to our business, set goals more coherent, and it also helped us to prioritize areas of improvement.
Now we know where we are and which are our strengths and our weaknesses relative to the markets. Our yearly plans and objectives take into account these facts.
It’s a reference point when establishing and reviewing lines for improving competitiveness in the short and long term. It is a tool used to find opportunities to grow towards excellence and establish networking among professionals.
I would particularly emphasize the fact that the people in charge of the benchmark exercise have made visits to the areas of the factory so that they can understand and verify the data. It has been found that they know the business and the process has built up confidence when comparing the participants’ data.
Benchmark tools are an essential way of knowing your position in the global competitive environment. It’s a way of understanding what the competition is doing, how the industry evolves, and what are your strengths and improvement opportunities. In addition, it provides a tool to track your progress under comparable criteria.
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